Here is a list of FREE STRANGE and RARE Tape Recorder MANUALS AND SCHEMATICS
Each Link below will take you to the specific download page for that each scan...
Lyrec Scully Aces - others soon...
NOTE: You do NOT need to Purchase ANYTHING from the HOST company
or have an Account with them to download these files...
all can be downloaded for FREE...
You may have to enter a captcha and wait about 30 seconds
You do NOT need to register or have a Mega Account !!!
click the GREEN Download button
and the download will automatically start !
All these manuals are FREE downloads...
BUT if you'd like to put a few dollars in my Tip Jar that would be great !
I can ALWAYS use another double espresso !!!
These small donations help to defray the cost of the website,
the time it takes to keep it up to date, the cost of Rapidshare hosting
all the 'free download' files for me, and donations help keep me happy.
Please remember that I could easily be charging for each Manual or Schematic download!
Thanks !!
Please do NOT REPOST these manuals !!
But feel free to LINK to this page
Rar or Zip File Password for files is:
Lyrec TR532 Manual and Schematics: