Just in...
a COMPLETE Ampex ATR 102

convert your 1/4 or 1/2 inch two track ATR 102 to a
KILLER SOUNDING 1 inch two track


Includes a 1 inch Original Ampex Metal Capstan, a 1 inch Original Ampex Metal Tape Counter Roller,
2 One inch Tension ARM guides with bearings, and 2 HEAD GUIDES...
AND the 2 inch Tape Lifters     (not shown)

  Does NOT include the headstack or heads  ....

Pictures soon...

All the conversion parts are used, in good condition.

COMES WITH 1 inch TAPE LIFTERS   !!!     (not shown in the above picture)

This came from a nice working ATR   One Inch Two Track   that had worn out Bad Heads...
and the Owner did not have the money to replace the heads
so he is just using the machine as the original 1/4 inch unit....

Note the capstan is the Original Ampex Metal unit design, as is the counter Roller.

The Conversion Kit will be sold strictly "AS-IS" since the parts have been used...

Cost :     $650.00

  Does NOT include the headstack or heads....

Flux Magnetics can make a brand new set of heads for you...


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